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Savannah Vending Booths: Sabrina (17th Mar. 2019)

Now that carnival is over it’s back to our regular scheduled programs. I hope everyone’s carnival was enjoyable and safe. I am sure everyone can’t wait for carnival 2020. Have you all noticed for the carnival season temporary vending booths are installed at the Queen’s Park Savannah, for vendors to rent during the carnival season. Since a number of the carnival competitions and shows are judged at the Grand Stand, located at the Queens Park Savanna, this is a prime location.

These vending booths bring a colourful and vibrant feeling to the Queen’s Park Savannah, and look so beautiful. If you ask me I believe they should become a permanent resident around the Queen’s Park Savannah, as they uplift and enhance the surroundings. This year I wanted to create some images with a subject and incorporate the vending booths as I just love their beautiful colours.

I had a visual for the photoshoot but I didn’t have a subject. To my surprise Sabrina, who I have worked with in the past, wanted a photoshoot done. When I told her about the theme I had envisioned for the photoshoot she immediately fell in love with it, because she also loves those vending booths. We tried to have the photoshoot done before carnival but the dates we were both free, the Queen’s Park Savannah was busy with competitions in the carnival calendar.

As a result of this we eventually decided that after the carnival season would be the best time to do the photoshoot. The only thing is we were not sure if the vending booths would still be available or they would have started demolishing them. The advantage we had from doing the photoshoot after carnival ment, the area would be free, and we would have it all too ourselves to create freely. Below are the images we came up with, hope you all enjoy them.

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