Hudson Yards Subway Pt1: Anya (29th Apr. 2022)
One thing I love about New York is finding new locations to make images. Everyone who has seen my work know that I love making images in the subways. Anya saw my subway images and immediately wanted to do a subway photoshoot, which I could not say no to this opportunity. We were unable to do one last year, and promised ourselves that we would do one this year.
I decided we should use the Hudson Yards Subway Station, it's a fairly new station and it's not as busy as other stations. Another thing I enjoy about shooting the subways, if the weather outside is not one that permits you to shoot, the subways provides a perfect location some days. For this shoot Anya wore a navy blue body suit, blue denim jeans, with black heals. She added black leather jacket to complement her look. Anya was amazed that I recommended a simple look, that made her feel so comfortable and fashionable for this shoot.
The key to any successful photoshoot is to always ensure that your model is comfortable while shooting. Below are the images we creating from our subway photoshoot, I would recommend you try a subway photoshoot, you would be amazed of the beautiful images you can create underground. Look out for the second part of this photoshoot, it will be released in a few days.