PowerHouse Gym LIC: Stiz (16th Apr. 2022)
I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter season, it has been a minute since I last shared a blog post with you all. Once again I have an interesting photoshoot to share with you. Stiz who is a certified personal trainer, model and business coach, wanted me to create some fitness content for her business. As you all know from my previous photoshoots I always shoot in amazing and interesting locations, and this shoot was no different.
The location of this photoshoot was PowerHouse Gym LIC, which is located in Long Island City. The theme was a fitness/workout, and I wanted to capture Stiz in her element. We also wanted to incorporate some product photography by including the brand of protein that Stiz uses for her nutrition. I really appreciate that Stiz was comfortable in front the camera and she gave it her all, I even thing she got a full workout which wasn't my intention. Nevertheless it worked out in the end as she was able to get a photoshoot and a workout which she was pleased about.
The images below are from the photoshoot at PowerHouse Gym LIC, if you are looking for a personal trainer to help you with your body and fitness goals Stiz is the trainer for you. I hope you all enjoy them and have an amazing week.