WTC: Inga (3rd Jul. 2020)
I have been pushing myself and working on becoming a little more recognized to be able to work with more artiste. I have to be doing something right because some of the hard work is finally being appreciated and seen. I had the opportunity to work with Inga who is a Russian singer, pianist and songwriter who now lives in New York. For our photoshoot I chose a location that Inga has never been to, as she still new to New York City.
The locations for our photoshoot were WTC (World Trade Center), Oculus and Brookfield Place, which are all walking distance of each other. Inga wore a cream long sleeve cropped shirt, with a matching skirt, blue heels, and she accessorized her look with a gold necklace. I really appreciated that she trusted my choice of locations and she was a natural in front the camera. I can also tell that she enjoys working with creatives and is very interested in the perspective they bring.
Have a look below to find the images that Inga and I were able to create on our photoshoot. I hope everyone has a wonderful start to their work week, and that it's a productive and successful one.